This book by Stephen Bartlett provdies a list of 33 laws, or rules; this is a book that I found useful food for throught, but not revolutionary. However the 33 laws would be useful to live by; I have not repeated the list here, however I have noted down some key points and key quotes.
Sleep, Lift, Move, Smile, Laugh, Listen, Read, Save, Hydrate, Fast, Build, Create. Your habits are your future.
‘Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness’ – Edward Stanley
- Some people will love you.
- Some people will hate you.
- Some people simply won’t care.
- You will only connect to the first two.
- But not to the third.
- Indifference is the least profitable outcome.
We are increasingly distracted. On average an office worker will pick up their phones more than 1,500 times per week, amount to 3 hours and 16 minutes a day, and will check their email 30 times every hour.
If you don’t care about tiny deatails you’ll produce bad work because good work is the culmination of hudreds of tiny details. The world’s most successful people all sweat the small stuff.
If you want long-term success in business, relationships and life, you have to get better at accepting uncomfortable truths as fast as possible.
When you refuse to accept an uncomfortable truth you’re choosing to accept an uncomfortable future.
To be considered the best in your industry, you don’t need to be the best at any oine thing. You need to be good at a variety of complementary and rare skills that your industry values and that your competitors lack.
If the culture is strong, new people will become like the culture. If the culture is weak, the culture will become the new people.
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